Sex Magick:
Transcending the Boundaries of Intimacy

About the Workshop

Consider these questions . . .
How can I extend the limits of intimacy with my community?

Does sex constrain or expand my relationships with men?
How can I better integrate sexual play and my desires into my intimate relationships?
Does recreational sex diminish my capacity for intimacy in a committed relationship?
How does the prevailing society’s prudishness dampen and undermine the intimacy in my relationships?
How does my sexuality and my spirituality inter-relate?
Are my sexual and my spiritual aspects one in the same?

If any of these issues resonate with you, join us for a concentrated exploration and testing of the waters of deeper intimacy, Sex Magick, and spirit/sex integration. Based on the successful and provocative workshops developed by Harry Hay, this 7-day retreat is designed to challenge and take down the habits and patterns keeping us from achieving levels of intimacy not previously found.

We face many barriers in working to realize our vision. AIDS, sexual addiction, objectification, ageism, looks-ism, internalized heterosexism, unrealistic expectations. These issues look large as we begin this crucial next step in manifesting our collective faerie vision – the ritual realization of subject-Subject consciousness that is the basis of Radical Faerie reality. We achieve our vision by collectively creating – as the core our Workshop, (and for the duration only) – a Ritual Space within which safe and sacred precinct we freely empower ourselves, and each other, to set aside our boundaries in order to experience the same total loving sharing with another as we do in loving ourselves.

– Harry Hay, from the first call to Sex Magick

Keeping the Space Safe
In order to explore deeper levels of intimacy and sharing, it’s vital we create a safe and trusting space for the participants. So, we start with some boundaries we ask each participant to respect. These include:

  • The workshop is open to those who want to challenge themselves to expand their capacity for greater emotional and physical intimacy. We especially encourage those who have already begun the process of inner growth and self-exploration regarding relationships to participate.
  • We all agree that whatever we create with each other at the Workshop does not create entitlements or expectations after the Workshop’s has ended
  • The workshop will be limited to the first 15 registrants.
  • We ask you to leave drugs and alcohol behind so that we may explore our depths together unimpeded.
  • Experience sitting and participating in Heart Circles or the like is essential.
  • We ask that you are comfortable or open with nudity.
  • Previous experience and being comfortable with Faerie, Queer Spirit, Polyamory or similar gatherings will help a lot.
  • We value our precious Faerie vision by honoring and respecting one another's boundaries around safer and consensual sex.
  • We agree to work with one another towards mutually chosen group horizons.
  • We respect and endorse affirmative consent and call for authenticity in all expressions between people in the workshop.

The Workshops have traditionally been "male-only" spaces, and we are excited to introduce a workshop inclusive of all genders and sexualities.  We warmly welcome and encourage all Gay and Bi men - including trans men - to sign up for any workshop. 

The only restriction is for workshops labeled 269 where participants are expected to have attended a full 169 workshop within the past 3 years.

Our workshops may have a range of bodies including a delicious variety of cocks, balls and chests. We ask participants to expect the unexpected and be open and honest about their feelings.   

Questions about the workshop? Not sure if it's right for you? Want to understand more? Please feel free to contact any of the facilitators with your questions or a desire to talk more.

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